On the Thanksgiving

Coptic Christians in the US talking much about eating turkey in the Thanksgiving, as they started already the Nativity fast. The issue is not about a day off from the fast. The issue is more deep. Do we know what we do? I believe if I asked St. Athanasius or St. Cyril what do you think about that? They would say This was not the Christianity which we defended it or even exiled for its sake. Do we as Christians understand the mystery of Incarnation, do we really understand “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Jn.3:16.

The whole issue needs to be revisited. Why we are Christians? What our practices reflect from our faith? What is our relationship to the season in which the church is enjoying? Are our homes a sanctuary for God? Is the Name of God mentioned in our homes?

Abanoub Aziz Narouz, 14 years 

While we are debating about eating the Glorious turkey, Abanoub Aziz Narouz, 14 years is witnessing for Christ today after his parents  found his body killed and tortured severely as He committed a crime of being “ A Christian” God Have mercy upon us and forgive us our sins. Thank you o Lord for allowing us to carry your name, in which we are not worthy. 


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