Inner Life and the Life of Celebrity

Inner Life and the Life of Celebrity
 During the last period of time I was watching the media and how they make heroes out of people and I thought about the real heroes who are hidden and nobody knows about them.
Many people started to be driven to have their status or update their photos, to cope with this celebrity life. What concerns me is that when we do this, we are killing inside all of us the power to be a hero. We have started to perceive the heroic action only as the media displays it. But, my beloved, you, as you are, are a hero. You have inside you the power to change the world around you.
Here I cannot do anything except to give respect to the Mahatma Ghandi when he said “be the change that you want to see in the world.”
Remember my beloved how many times you were a real bright change to yourself and to the people around you. The life of celebrity is your life, it is about you and you are the hero not anybody else. Find the hero inside you .
Forgive me for the delayed posts. I was myself overwhelmed by this life of celebrity. 


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