
Showing posts from 2016

to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Happy New Year

English Version : Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke by St. Cyril Patriarch of Alexandria, Translated by R.Payne Smith published by Studion Publishers, INC. 1983  Arabic Version   تفسير أنجيل لوقا للقديس كيرلس السكندرى - الناشر: مؤسسة القديس أنطونيوس - المركز الأرثوذكسي للدراسات الآبائيه - ترجمة د/ نصحي عبد الشهيد 2007 م 

Excerpts from Kiahk Psalmody (Part2)

Excerpts from Kiahk Psalmody (Part2) Swimming more in Kiahk Psalmody will reflect how the composer of our Coptic Psalies were very acquainted with the prefiguration of the Theotokos in the Old Testament and how they saw the reality in the New Testament, let me introduce you to some verses the first Psali for Friday Theotokia : “For you are the birth giver of God, the Mother of the True light, for from you has shone forth us, The Sun of righteousness (Malachi 4:2) The Master, the King of the ages, the true Queen ( Ps. 45:8-11) gave birth to Him, with healing in His Wings (Malachi 4:2), for He is the Creator. Therefore, we dedicate a feast, with praises, we exalt Him, He took what is ours, and gave us what is His. (repeated verse in the writing of Irenaeus, Athanasius, Cyril ) Let us gather at all times, to glorify you, O full of glory, for you are beyond understanding, who can declare your honor. This is the city of the King ( Ps. 48:1; 87:3; Heb. 12:22; Ps. 9:7, 10) S

Benefiting from the Nativity Fast (part1)

Benefiting from the Nativity Fast (part1) As our Church prepares us for the great mystery of Incarnation, so we should use this time of the year wisely to live this season. As Fr. Athanasius Farag would recommend, you should be reading the following books: 1-       On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius 2-       The apostolic preaching by Irenaeus 3-       The Scandal of the Incarnation: Irenaeus Against the Heresies 4-       Scholia on the incarnation of the Only-Begotten by St. Cyril of Alexandria Also the book of Keyhak ( Coptic month) Psalmody contains beautiful Coptic Epsalies and exegesis, I encourage you to go through the parts which are not familiar, like Psalies before  the canticle, exegesis after the canticle,   let me share with you some of these hidden treasure  The exegesis (Tarh in Arabic) on the first hoos ( Exodus 15) gives us beautiful resemblance of the Moses Rod “Moses struck his wooden rod upon the Red Sea and the waters parted. For us,

The Cross by St. Cyril of Alexandria


Blogs in Coptic studies

Coptologists Blogs

I Am He: The themes of Sunday Liturgical Readings in the Co...

I Am He: The themes of Sunday Liturgical Readings in the Co... : Reading of Sundays Excerpted from many sermons by The V. Rev. Fr. Athanasius K. Farag Sunday reading aims to show us the work of the H...

The themes of Sunday Liturgical Readings in the Coptic Orthodox Church

Reading of Sundays Excerpted from many sermons by The V. Rev. Fr. Athanasius K. Farag Sunday reading aims to show us the work of the Holy Trinity in the creation, redemption and glorification  of the human, it is called the economia of the Holy Trinity. Month of Tut In the first month of Tut we read the love of God the Father who called all for repentance “who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” I Ti.2:4 Month of Babah In the second month of Babah, the churches tells us “Who is this Saviour?” we see him through his work miracles of healing the paralyzed, casting out demons, raising the dead. Month of Hatour In Hatour we see who is the Saviour through His word which is planted in our hearts. Month of Keyhak •       All from Luke chapter 1: the scenes which accompanied the Nativity season Month of Toba the incarnation of the Only Begotten Son who called us from darkness to the light, who walked on earth and we saw His gl

Websites in Coptic Studies

Websites Searchable Greek Inscriptions Nag el-Hagar in Upper Egypt Hisn al-Bab Deir Anba Hadra & others others numbers 63449, Hagr Edfu, Egypt , Wadi Sarga,_egypt.aspx Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari Yale Monastic Archaeology Project North (Wadi al-Natrun) Minya, Bawit, Monastery of Apollo, Bahariya Tell Hanub Qasr

How to live Holy Pascha week, learning from Church reading in the Holy Pascha Week

“The person who cannot benefit from the Holy Pascha Week, will have a hard time to get that benefit other times in the year” HH Pope Shenouda III In the Coptic rite the Pascha hour is composed of the following: 1-       Prophecies 2-       Homilies 3-       Doxology of “Thine is the Power …” 4-       Psalm prayed in a sad tone 5-       Gospel 6-       Exposition 7-       Litanies Prophecies: When you read the prophecies, try to relate to this prophecy, e.g. reading a prophecy from Exodus 32:7-15 the story of the deviation of the Israelites from God’s way after He brought them out of Egypt. “they have made for themselves a calf, and worshipped it” relating to this prophecy is obvious , how God brought us out of the darkness to the light in our Baptism and how we went astray. The Church used to pray the prophecy in a tone so you could “park” the words in your mind and contemplate them. Homilies: Every day we have two homilies in the first and the eleventh hour, it

Clement of Alexandria sees the Church as the mother who feeds milk to her children

Clement is firmly convinced that there is only one universal Church as there is only one God the Father, one divine Word and one Holy Spirit. He calls this church the virgin mother who feeds her children with the milk of the divine Word: O wondrous mystery! One is the father of all, one also the Logos of all, and the Holy spirit is one and the same everywhere and there is only one Virgin Mother; I love to call her the Church. This mother alone had no milk, because she alone did not become woman, but she is both virgin and mother, being undefiled as a virgin and loving as a mother; and calling her children to her she nurses them with holy milk, the Logos for the children (Paed.1,6,42,1). "O graduates of His blessed tutorship! Let us [by our presence] make complete the fair countenance of the Church, and let us as children run to our good Mother. and when we have become hearers of the Word, let us extol the blessed dispensation by which man is brought up and sanctified as a chi

I Am He: The Coptic Martyrs of Libya: The Sayings of the Ma...

I Am He: The Coptic Martyrs of Libya: The Sayings of the Martyrs of Libya  Translated from the Arabic Mother of Malak Ibrahim Samir “...

The Coptic Martyrs of Libya: The Sayings of the Martyrs’ Families

Translated from the Arabic Mother of Malak Ibrahim Samir “We were asking God to strengthen their faith.” “I am happy that He was martyred for the Name of Christ.” “We did not dream that would have a martyr in heaven.” “Do you think that if God did not send His peace, or calmness in our heart, or comforted us by His words in the Bible would we have lived live till now?” “Christ was lighting for them heaven.” The wife of Malak Ibrahim Samir: “First of all I thank God that while they were martyred they were pronouncing the Name of Jesus Christ. This is the first thing that comforted us. The second thing comforted us is that they went to the place they deserve to go. Our Lord Christ promised us that He will prepare a place for us in heaven, He prepared a place for them in the paradise, because they died in His name, they did not deny His name. There is a beautiful verse in the Bible that says,