But he answered courageously. I am Christian

Article Written by HG Bishop Macarius, The General Bishop of Our Coptic Orthodox Church in the Upper Egypt Governorate of El Minya and Abu Korkas  on Aug. 29, 2013, Translated by 
Fr. Bishoy Lamie, Edited by Shawn Doyle

Church of Prince Tadros in El Minya after being burned

This is the story of a young man ( Gem.Ein. Waw teacher of English Language , 25 years) He was in the church of St. Moses the Black, in the district of Abu Helal in El Minya, joined by a few other youth colleagues of his, putting out the fire from the Molotovs that were thrown from outside the church by the aggressors. This attack occurred on 9PM Wednesday evening, ( I believe that HG Bishop Macarius refers to the day of Aug. 14, 2013, the day that churches were burned and Christians were killed at the hands of the terrorists in Egypt.)  as they could not attack it during the daylight. As soon as the aggressors began their attack on the church, after they smashed the gate, he exited with the others – This was the piece of advice that they received, that their lives were more precious than the buildings and belongings.  

He accidentally encountered them, (the aggressors) and at first glance they imagined that he was a fellow of them, there to loot and burn. But he answered courageously.  He is a Christian, and they cursed him and severely beat him. A group of bearded men then took him and brought him into a larger assembly of them, so they could continue to beat, insult and humiliate him. They demanded that he take off his Cross necklace which he had (the cross sparks their rage), but he refused, preferring to be killed than abandoning The Cross. But they removed it with force, and after that one of them was able to exist him from another place. He returned the next day to the church, to try to remove the effects of the devastation caused by hard-liners, and in doing so he felt a joy and pride in the recovery. I too feel proud concerning him, and seeing the honor and blessing bestowed on this young man, I beatified him.
Church of Prince Tadros in El Minya after being burned

Arabic version from http://www.abafees.com/ by the help of Dr. Rasha, the admin at the Diocese of El Minya and Abu korkas. 

Arabic text. 

هذه قصة الشاب (ج. ع. و. مدرس لغة إنجليزية 25 سنة) كان في كنيسة الأنبا موسى الأسود، بحي أبو هلال في المنيا، مع عدد قليل من الشبان زملاؤه يطفئون زجاجات المولوتوف التي يلقيها المعتدون من الخارج، وكان ذلك عند التاسعة مساء ذلك الأربعاء، إذ لم يتمكنوا من الهجوم عليها نهاراً، وحالما بدأوا في الهجوم على الكنيسة بعد تحطيم البوابة، خرج هو مع الآخرين –كانت هذه النصيحة التي تلقوها أن حياتهم أهم من المباني والمنقولات-

فصادفه أحدهم وتخيل لأول وهلة أنه تابع لهم جاء لينهب ويحرق ولكنه أجابه في شجاعة أنه مسيحي، وهنا أوسعه شتما وضرباً، ثم أخذوه جماعة من الملتحين وأدخلوه الجمعية التابعة لهم ليواصلوا الضرب والشتيمة والإهانات، وطلبوا منه خلع الصليب الذي يرتديه (شكل الصليب بالمناسبة يثير جنونهم) ولكنه رفض مفضلاً قتله عن أن يتخلى عن الصليب ولكنهم نزعوه عنه بالقوة، وبعدذلك استطاع أحدهم أن يخرجوه من مكان آخر ليعود في اليوم التالي الى الكنيسة يحاول إزالة آثار الدمار الذي خلفه المتشددون، وهو يشعر بالفرح والفخر معا. وأنا أيضا أشعر بالفخر من جهته وأطوبه أنه نال هذا الشرف وهذه البركة


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