The Passover of Jonah

 “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. “ Matt. 12: 40

The gospel of the liturgy of the Passover of Jonah according to the ritual of the Holy Orthodox Coptic Church, describes how our Lord refuses the temple which was made by the hands Jn. 2: 12-25, instead he wanted His Spirit to dwell in us by Baptism and the Eucharist, that is why the response of the Liturgy “O our Lord Jesus Christ, make in us a sanctuary, for Your Holy Spirit, ever-glorifying You.” He wants us to be His Chosen and dwelling place. That is why the church called it Passover of Jonah, it is a Passover from “darkness, unto the true and wonderful light; and from error and vanity of idols unto the knowledge of  truth.” As we say in the Baptismal Liturgy. Let it be our prayers “O our Lord Jesus Christ, make in us a sanctuary, for Your Holy Spirit, ever-glorifying You.”


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    נועם קוריס


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