Why Christ Ascended to the Heavens?

St. Cyril of Alexandria in his commentary on the gospel of Luke, Chapter 24, says

"Having blessed them, and gone a little in advance, He was carried up to heaven, that He might share the Father's throne even with the flesh that was united to Him. And this new pathway the Word made for us when He appeared in human form: and hereafter in due time He will come again in the glory of His Father with the angels, and will take us up to be with Him.
Let us glorify therefore Him Who being God the Word became man for our sakes: Who suffered willingly in the flesh, and arose from the dead, and abolished corruption: Who was taken up, and hereafter shall come with great glory to judge the living and the dead, and to give to every one according to his deeds: by Whom and with Whom to God the Father be glory and power with the Spirit for ever and ever. Amen."

Source :http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/cyril_on_luke_14_sermons_146_156.htm

What does it mean?

As He is one with the Father, so He did not leave the bosom of the Father, then when we say He is ascended, it is for the reason that He took our humanity with Him after our humanity were exiled from the paradise, so He returned it after abolishing the death by His Death. (The life giving death) the death which leads to life. So He opened for us the way to Eternity, Let us glorify Him  and exalt His Name As He did with us mercy according to His Great Mercy.


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