Rising of the Water of the Rivers

On the 12th of the Coptic Month of Baouna there is the feast of Archangel Michael . It is an ancient feast from the Pharaoh time. The church baptized this feast, during that time the church prays for the Rising of the water, so it can water the dry land during the harvest season in the summer. It is also the spiritual harvest which started in the day of Pentecost when God commissioned the holy Disciples and apostles to become fisher of men. The same theme we find it in the Sunday readings in which the church reads the miracles of Our Lord Jesus Christ as he delivered it to the Disciples. ""Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father." Jn. 14:12 . 

In these pictures below as it is accustomed from year 1834 AD there was a noticeable decease in the water level so Mohamed Aly Basha the Sultan of Egypt asked the Late Patriarch Peter VII (El Gawly) to pray, after he asked other religious leaders, the Pope prayed the liturgy on the river and at the end he poured the water of the washing of the holy Paten and Chalice into the Nile followed by throwing a holy bread from the (blessings bread) , after that the water started to rise, to a degree that they started to run quickly from the place as the place was flooded with water. three days ago the priests in St. George Church in Aswan (Upper Egypt) is following the same custom.


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