St. Mary Vesper or Revival

St. Mary Vesper or Revival

I announced that we will pray Vespers of St. Mary, later I was asked by a person when is the Revival of St. Mary so I answered the Vespers will be in the time I mentioned. My answer was not satisfactory. It triggers me to analyse what is our expectation about the period of the fast asking the intercession of St. Mary. What components are there in the expectation of the people for the revival of St. Mary. Is the Vesper prayer recognised as a deep liturgical prayers, not only in st. Mary but the rest of the year?

Is it only the case during some periods of time during the year? or is it what we should do everyday?

Is our expectation about st. Mary period to be: Glorification ( in which many songs found its place, lacking a deep theological meaning, connecting st. Mary to the mystery of Incarnation,like the Theotokia of every day) and sermons?

Would it be still fine if we prayed the Vesper followed by the Theotokia of the day, and teaching it to our children. especially its refrains :

Saturday Refrain of the Theotokia
Hail to you O full of grace, hail to you who has found grace, hail to you who has given birth to Christ, the Lord is with you.

Monday Refrain of the Theotokia 
He shone in the flesh, taken from the Virgin, without the seed of man, in order to save us.

Tuesday Refrain of the Theotokia
For of His own will, and the pleasure of His Father, and the Holy Spirit, He came and saved us.

Wednesday Refrain of the Theotokia
The Father looked from heaven, and found no one like you, He sent His only-begotten, who came and took flesh from you

Thursday Refrain of the Theotokia
He did not cease to be divine, He came and became the Son of Man, for He is the true God, who came and saved us.

Friday Refrain of the Theotokia
He took what is ours, and gave us what is His, we praise and glorify Him, and exalt Him.

I enjoyed the children praying the Theotokia of the day and I wish to see it happening in many places, this is how our Church Fathers praised St. Mary. Please listen to the file below, the Theotokia of Wednesday

It is another call to revive the Vesper prayers, that what really wants revival, HH Pope Kyrillos started to bring the attention to the Vesper and Mid Night Prayers. Hope our congregation attend every Saturday the Vesper prayers.

A last call, St. Mary wants us to follow her virtuous life: Meekness, Humility, silence, service etc.Let us ask her intercession during this fast and let us live in these virtues.

Also I hope our Children can memories the Theotokia by heart. Here our Children are praying Wednesday Theotokia.

The words of this Theotokia Wednesday Theotokia


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