The real spiritual struggle is to spend time with God in your room.

The real spiritual struggle is to spend time with God in your room.

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Pope Shenouda in front of his cave in the desert 

His Holiness Pope Shenouda as we commemorate His Departure on March 17th once said, the minute you want to sit with yourself to evaluate yourself, the Satan will not allow you to do so, as he knows the power which can come out of your sincere meeting with yourself.
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Tamav Erene while she is praying in one of the meeting with the people 

Tamav Erene the abbess of St. Philopater Mercurius Convent for nuns in Old Cairo once said when she visited US. A day in my cell is better than all these beautiful views in the US. She found God in her very tight room, she made her room paradise. (This 3 minutes clip shows you the cell of Tamav Erene in which she counted it paradise )

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Fr. Bishoy Kamel 

Fr. Bishoy Kamel once said, the true indicator of ones true service for God is your holiness.

Once Great teacher said if we grouped the servants into two, a group to go distribute food to the poor, and the other group to pray during that time in the church until the first group comes back, which one would you choose?

Do you think it is easy to sit in your room? No it is not, If I was comforted by the external supporters, outsiders comforters, finding in the service a self-psychological satisfaction or even self- realization. Aha, see people are benefiting from my teaching and my words, I changed their minds and hearts, If this is our indicator, or even I answered few calls, I made the people at peace even though this is very important now, but is this the true indicator or our worship? Where is my time with God, where is my repentance? Where is my usage for the fractions of the second to the account of heaven, not wasting any time.
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Fr. Athanasius Al-Suriany

Fr. Athanasius Al-Suriany ( From the Monastery of St. Mary in Wadi El-Natrun) was the father of confession of the nuns , once said to the nuns  if you try to find the moment where you body is at rest and your psyche is enabling you to pray, you might not find this moment in the entire of your life. You have to put God with force in everything you do, you take the elevator, pray, you take the steps pray, you prepare a cup of tea pray, he quoted this verse the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence,[d] and men of violence take it by force. Matthew 11:12 taking by force means to put it by force in every second in your day.

By being online all the day, instead of listening to any channels (news,
friends ) , listening to spiritual channels is good, but if I did not take my agpia, Bible, talked to God, then it is only a replacement of a bad to a good listening time. True Repentance starts by closing my door and talking to my Father.[1]

Family Altar, simply means family is praying together, read the Bible together, Mother Erene would add, please say I have sinned forgive me before you start, maybe someone is upset from someone so this will fix the relation before we call Him Forgive us as we forgive, part of the family altar is to help one another, have compassion on one another, preach Christ through your action.  
What should I do in my room?

Thank God, In the Coptic Church Mid Night psalmody we pray Psalm 135/136 every night To give thanks to the Lord For His mercy endures forever.[2] Thank God for being your God.[3] Praise His name, Holy, Holy , Holy is Your Name O God(Complete the prayer in your word. In the Psalmody Book we have two Psalia for the Name of Jesus Christ[4],[5] Repent, Bishop Youanis the Late Bishop of Gharbia in Egypt wrote in his foundational piece in the practical spirituality Paradise of the Spirit[6] Repentance is the message of Christianity, John the Baptist, who prepared the way before the Lord Jesus, called the people to repentance.[7] The Lord Jesus Himself preached the Gospel of Repentance, and commanded His disciples to call people to repentance. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Quoting our Lord No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. 17 Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.[8] Anba Youanis argued These words of the Lord Jesus explain the correct understanding of repentance. It is a complete change of the whole life, not just putting a new piece on an old garment.when we sin, we lose our talents, virtues and blessings, and when we repent, we get them all back. Penance is an open door to salvation. It never closes, for it is Gods compassionate bosom: The one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out.[9]

Have the Agpia, Bible, Spiritual Book, notebook, highlighter, pen and also listen to spiritual hymns (The Psalia Praise of the Great Lent is a great motor to move your heart to repent,[10] The Psalia on the Third Praise starts by  I remembered the sins, of my ignorance, so I released my tears, and wept.
Every sigh, on my chest, is burning like fire, within my heart.
+ The thoughts of my mind, I have followed, the commandments of Jesus, I have abandoned.
 Every evil thing, of my nature, I have followed, without my hope….[11]
Listen to sermons. Let your brain be filled with Holy Things. Watch[12] and Read life of Saints, saying of desert Fathers and mothers who can help you to imitate them as they imitate Christ.[13] Do not overwhelm yourself, start by the Little you can do, 5 minutes in each section mentioned, would be more than enough to start with.
تفاصيل مهمة لمن يهتم بقضية الأنبا أمونيوس أسقف الأقصر – جريدة ...

Bishop Ammonious of Luxor in his cell in the desert of Wadi El-Naturn

Once Bishop Ammonious[14] the Recluse in Wadi El-Naturn[15] said My Breakfast is Matthew 5, My Lunch is Matthew 6, My dinner is Matthew 6 It is the Sermon on the Mount, from here we can begin.
Still I want to say unless the Lord reveals myself to myself I can not do anything I the Lord search the mind and try the heart, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.””[16]

So the beginning is to dialogue with God and read His word Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.[17]
So become a friend of the word of God.[18] The Golden rule Little continuous with Focus better than many intermittent.[19]
I am not claiming here that I will give you a ready made recipe, If Mother Erene used to ask every priest or bishop coming to visit her Help me how can I repent? The I would say I did not start yet, I may just put some questions for you to help you and me to start.
1-  How can I start to become a friend of the Horologion Book The Book of Hours Agpia in the Coptic Orthodox Church?
2-  How Can I become a friend with the Bible? Did I read the about who is Jesus ? if not start by Mark, in Old testament start by the Wisdom of Ibn Sirach.
3-  What is my weakness? How can I overcome it? (First you need to pray about it, asking Gods grace) then if there is any spiritual book I can read to give me motives (Paradise of the Spirit is a good start by the Late Bishop Youannis of Gharbia) ? Start by one weakness and then others, might solve themselves by themselves or God who helped you in the first will help you in the second.
4-  Do I know any friends went far from Gods love? Make a list remember them.
5-  It is a good thing to pray for what you hear in the news, be transformer, change everything to a prayer.
6-  Pray and ask God to guide you.
Let me know what you did, so I can benefit.

May God help you and help me.

Some Good Resources

Putting Joy Into Practice: Seven Ways to Lift Your Spirit from the Early Church
Book by Phoebe Farag Mikhail

[1] Matthew 6:6
[3] Putting Joy into Practice by Phoebe Farag Mikhail
[6] Paradise of the Spirit, Vol. 1, By The late H.G. Bishop Youanis
[7] Mark 1:4
[8] Matthew 9:16-17
[9] John 6:36
[13] 1 Corinthians 11:1
[14] Bishop Of Luxor
[15] Still Alive
[16] Jeremiah 17:10
[17] Psalm 119:105 Prayed in the First Watch of the Mid Night Prayers
[19] Wisdom from Fathers of Confession


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